Inspired by Donna Haraway our table is a sound art installation exploring hybrid beings and engaging with collective listening as a form of activism. To sit down at a table for dinner is an act of symbiosis. Whether you’re engaging with other humans or eating alone with the trillions of microbiomes that digest your food. TABLE AT TERRAPOLIS is a celebration of the hybridity of human beings, we could not exist without the more-than-human world that generously provides for us. So come sit at our table! Listen deeply to the living beings within us and the vibrant materials that innervate our skin.
TABLE AT TERRAPOLIS is a sound art installation that gives participants the chance to break bread with the more-than-human beings that make us human. As you sit around our table, stethoscopes will amplify the sounds of the micro-biomes in your gut through speakers at either end of the room. The table will be covered in moss, a vibrant living material, and with contact mics the sounds made as you touch and interact with the table with also be amplified through the speakers. As you sit around the table, you listen as the living beings both within us and around us form a community of inter-species symbiosis. We celebrate that humans are hybrids and cannot exist without our more-than-human collaborators, our kin.