Eigg has an incredibly vibrant voice, throughout my time there I worked with the chirping quartz beach, the rain, fog and wind as it activated the sounds of the forests, rivers, caves, moorlands and human trails. The project seeks to make audible the voices in our environment that are usually inaudible as these are often the voices of those that are vulnerable to changes in the climate or increased rates of noise pollution. Camas Sgiotag is the name of the bay of ripples, the swirling currents off the coast of the singing sands on Eigg. The project seeks to recognise the many voices, both human and non-human, that make up the shifting identities of the island and that to learn, listen and care for our environment is to care for ourselves and our communities.
The work at the residency will be compiled into an EP incorporating the sounds of the island, voices of the islanders and music will be released in April 2024.
Following the release of the sound pieces, the material collected at the residency (photos, discussions, sound) will be made into a hand-printed sound map. These will be released on Monday 7th May 2024.