2- ca the yowes, cover of tibbie pagans song written in 1794 (made famous by rabbie burns but unfortunately he didn’t credit her or use the love story that was in her lyrics)
ca’ the yowes to the knowes
ca’ them where the heather grows
ca’ them where the burnie rowes
my bonnie dearie
as I gaed down the water-side
there I met my shepherd lad
he row’d me sweetly in his plaid
and he ca’d me his dearie
will ye gang down the water side
thro’ the hazels spreading wide
o’er the waves that sweetly glide
tae the moon sae clearly
ye sall get gowns and ribbons meet
cauf-leather shoon upon your feet
and in my arms ye’se lie and sleep
an’ ye sall be my dearie
if ye’ll but stand to what ye’ve said
i’se gang wi’ thee, my shepherd lad
and ye may row me in your plaid
and I sall be your dearie
while waters wimple to the sea
while day blinks in the lift sae hie
till clay-cauld death sall blin’ my e’e
ye sall be my dearie
till clay-cauld death sall blin’ my e’e
ye sall be my dearie
1- antigone
there’s a cord/chord
made of skin
once you’re out
you can’t go back in
there’s a coat
made of skin
once you’re out
you can’t go back in
we’re alone now
in the womb
but I’d love to go
see him soon
once you pulled me out
too soon
but i’d love to go
see him soon
i think he’s sitting there
in between
and i’m only there
in my dreams
let me bury my brother
let me bury my brother
we will face you
with our mothers sins
and the coat she made
out of skin
we will love you
but not as our king
you can keep your god
and the laws he brings
you can keep your god
and the laws he brings
cause they’re not made of skin
let me bury my brother
let my bury my brother